What is the IP68?
IPXX standard refers to the protection security level. IP is short for“Ingress Protection” or “International Protection”. It defines the protection ability of an interface against liquid and solid. IP is followed by two digits. The first digit is the solid-state protection grade, ranging from 0-6, which indicates the protection from large particle dust to micro dust respectively; The second digit is the liquid protection level, ranging from 0 to 8, which respectively represents the protection from vertical water droplets to underwater pressure. The larger the number, the stronger the protection ability. The details as follows:
The 1st digit : protection against solid ingress.
0:non-protected or rated
1:>50mm gap for entry
2:>12.5mm gap for entry
3:>2.5mm gap for entry
4:1.0 mm gap for entry
5:dust protected
6:dust tight
The 2nd digit : protection against liquid ingress.
1: vertically dripping water
2: dripping water tilted at 15 deg
3: spraying water at an angle up to 60 deg
4: splashing water at any direction
5: jets of water from at any direction
6: heavy seas or powerful jets of water
6K: powerful water jets with increase pressure
7: harmful ingress of water when immersed between a depth of 150 to 1000mm
8: continuous immersion in water
9K: powerful high temperature water jets
Example: IP68 = 6 dust tight + 8 continuous immersion in water